Eating less meat could save 45,000 lives a year, experts claim

 In our days people eat a lot of meat. I didn't know the consequences until I read the articles and I have to say that we should beware about the food we eat.

Bacon, ham and sausages are classified along with cigarettes as a major cause of cancer, according to the World Health Organization and they cause more than 12 types of cancer in us, such as the colon cancer.

On the one hand, we should be aware about the problems that meat causes and lower the quantity of meat in our diet, but we don´t have to stop eating meat. We should eat a balanced diet with vegetables, fruit, fish, meat and drink a lot of water, which is very good for your body and helps in many things.

On the other hand, there are people that don´t eat meat because of the animal abuse or because of the cancer of the meat and they eat a balanced diet without meat.

From my point of view we should think about our health and reduce the quantity of meat in our diet eating more vegetables and fruit and doing exercise everyday.

 Resultado de imagen de EAT VEGE


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