comment 20
Many people like clothes and there are many different styles. Everyone can dress as they want, moreover when we see people in the street wearing a type of clothing different from ours we can make up a first impression which can later be erroneous, but Are we fashion fans or fashion slaves?From my point of view, we should be a fashion fan because If you are a fashion slave, you could go crazy. You should dress as you like and be comfortable with yourself. Fashion slave change their way of dress when the fashion changes and they spend a lot of money to be fashionable.
Many people wear piercings to emphasise their style and to be different, one of the most famous style is a black or blue jeans with a basic t-shirt and each one adds their personal style with complements like bags, scarfs...
To put all in a nutshell I have to say that everyone should wear what he likes and feels comfortable with themselves.

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