SEPTEMBER is here!!!
Summer is the best season of the year for many people, especially for teenagers. Teenagers and childreen spend most of the year studying at school and doing homework. Going to school is an obligation and we must study to get a good job in the future and do what we reallly love, and we shouldn't be forced to do something because our marks are not good enough.
All teenagers are wishing that 20th of june arrives and that the summer starts. Summer means less responsability about studies and going out without having to look at the clock. Days are longer and the weather is warmer. Beaches are the most famous places to spend holidays in summer.
The first party of summer is St John, which is a party with a bonfire on the beach. People like spending time with friends and family and in in summer you don't have impediments or excuses.
However, this summer has been different because of covid-19. It has affected many people and many people have died. We have to be conscious and know that we are not safe anywhere, there are outbreaks in many parts of Spain. We must wear a face-mask and keep the safety distance.
This summer is coming to an end and September means getting back to the routine. The school year starts again and responsabilities arrive with him. The difference between this year and previous years is that this year we don't know what teaching will be like.. We don't know if this school year we will study in person or online. And the most important question is what about selectivity?
To put all in a nutshell, I have to say that for me summer is the best time of the year and when we enjoy the most. However this summer has been different and we couldn't enjoy it in the same way. We have had to restrict our summer and not do all that we want
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