comment 18
As everyone knows, teachers have a lot of responsability and hard work, people think that they only work in the morning but it is not true.Firstly they have to prepare the class for the next day the previous day and organise their time to correct all the exams or activies from students, moreover they have to do exams to know what the students know and to to make reports for the students' parents.
In the class they have to do a lot of things such as explaining to the students. They also have to control the naughty students that disturb and don't let the others learn.
For all their work they have a special day: 27th of November in Spain,but really the teacher´s day international is the 5th of October.
To put all in a nutshell I have to say that they do more work than I thought, but I believe that they have long holidays to rest from teenagers.

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