For what it's worth

Coronavirus arrived in Spain in March and many people have died from this disease, whose symptoms are fever, cough and tiredness among others. It is a global pandemic and has affected many people, some have been asymptomatic, others have felt like a common cold, others have died and others have serious after-effects.

Coronavirus has changed our way of life, our vision of reality and even the environment. Our lifestyle is completely different from what it was before. Now we cannot go out outside at any time because of the curfew. Moreover, we should minimize our circle to infect as few people as possible in the case of being infected. It is mandatory to wear masks and to keep the safety distance. Now that we are on the most familiar time of the year, Christmas, we will miss the normality more.Christmas is a time of the year when all the family is together and it’s time to share and give presents. This year will be different everywhere.

However, scientists have been working hard all these months and It looks as if we are finally getting the COVID-19 vaccine. There are different models of vaccine but the most famous one now is Pfizer vaccine.
The vaccine will be administered by the government and an order has been established for the administration of the vaccines. The first people who will be vaccinated will be the elderly people, people at risk and people exposed to the public.
The vaccine is an important argument because there are many people that don’t want to get the vaccine because of the speed of its creation and because of the side effects that could bring.

From my point of view, everyone should get the vaccine and end with the virus as fast as possible. Coronavirus has affected everyone and many people are without a job and they have no money to eat or to pay rent.


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