"Love is not all you need":

Nowadays, when you walk down the street you see a lot of couples and many of them are made up of teenagers. Many teenagers think that having a boyfriend or a girlfriend at an early age is necessary and they think that their relationship will be forever. However, it is not the most common.Teen couples are often short-lived and rarely they form a family. Is love necessary in the life of teenagers?

On the one hand, if you have a relationship you should feel special and different from the rest of people to that person. A partner is someone with whom you want to live good and bad times, a person which you can count on and that helps you when you have problems. You have to choose the correct person, someone who loves and supports you at any time.

On the other hand, it is not easy to have a healthy relationship and find the correct person. In our day-to-day lives we can see on the tv many examples of toxic relationships that mainly affect young people. In general, the most affected in toxic relationships are girls. They think that their relationship is beautiful but it is not. They think so because of movies, which romanticize jealousy. This behavior can be converted in violence, abuse or excessive control. On occasions the victims lose their friends or they have no time to meet them or to study.

To sum up, teenagers have to be conscious about what love is and don’t think that is necessary to be in a relationship to be happy and if you have a relationship you have to take him away from your friends and your studies. You must prioritize what is really important. On the contrary, If you are in a toxic relationship, you have to separate yourself from that person and ask friends, family, or even specialists for help


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