Teenage drinking: new trend?
Drinking alcohol with 18 years old or more is bad , but what about teenagers who start drinking alcohol with less than 18? This is a big problem and we need a solution.Nowadays teenagers start drinking alcohol with 15-16 years old, in the adolescence, which is a phase when their body is changing and they search the integration in social groups. Some of them move away from their family. They usually drink alcohol in parties or special celebrations
In Spain there is a big problem because teenagers can get alcohol easily, alcohol is sold in many markets without asking for an identity card and that has to change.
Alcohol has lots consequences but it especially affects young people because their body is not formed yet. It produces cancer in many parts of the body, can cause accidents on the road and damages parts of the brain that are crucial to decision making, decreases the ability to concentrate, and slows the reaction time behind the wheel.
To put all in a nutshell I have to say that consuming alcohol is a very bad decision if you are younger than 18 yeras, It produces a lot of diseases and is harmful for your health. Parents and adults should show the consequences about the alcohol and try to be aware of the possible disseases.

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